
Whether you are self-publishing an e-book or submitting a query and perfecting a manuscript for one of the big publishing houses (the Big Five) or a smaller independent publisher, our experienced editors will make your manuscript and any other submission materials flawless and polished. We know that each manuscript requires copious work, effort, and dedication, and we are committed to perfect it with the respect that it deserves.

We strongly believe that every author should have the final say regarding their text, which is why you can track any changes in the edited and/or proofread manuscript and choose to accept or reject them. If it is unclear whether a particular change is needed, your editor will send you a short query in a comment.

We have a very strict confidentiality and non-disclosure policy, which we sign with each editor and – upon request – we offer to sign a confidentiality agreement with each individual author as well, so you can relax knowing that your manuscript will remain confidential, and that it is in great hands.

Our goal is to help you achieve all your goals!



A proofreader will correct any misspellings, typos, minor grammatical mistakes (such as “it’s” versus “its” or “everyday” versus “every day”), and punctuation. An editor will do all this as well, but they will also look at your syntax (the flow and grammar of your sentences) on a deeper level; they will suggest synonyms or different phrasing; they will look at your work as a whole. If we think of this through the metaphor of building a house: a proofreader will make sure that every room is perfectly tidy and clean; the editor will look at the foundation and – if needed – perform larger “repairs.” For the exact quantifiable difference between different types of proofreading and editing, please refer to the guide on our shopping cart page.



We offer professional manuscript evaluation. Evaluation itself does not include proofreading and editing, but it can include a recommendation for these services if the editor thinks that they are needed. Manuscript evaluation is always performed by an editor with experience in publishing. No one can predict with the utmost certainty whether a manuscript will be accepted or not, or whether a self-published piece would achieve great success and sales. However, we know that there are strong predictors and factors in publishing success, and we know how to recognize or solicit them. In your manuscript evaluation, you will get detailed and specific feedback about your manuscript’s strengths, weaknesses, as well as suggestions on what the next steps should be. Our clients report that they approach acquisition editors and agents with more confidence, and that they are more satisfied with results after they followed our advice before publishing or submitting their work.



If you have a manuscript (complete or partial), and you would like to take the next step and submit it to an acquisition editor, we can help you compile the author’s package. Usually, the most important pieces that we work on are a query letter, a book proposal (for nonfiction), or a book synopsis (for fiction). The query letter, book proposal, and book synopsis need to be exceptionally strong and well-written in order to avoid the notorious “slush-pile” (the largely rejected manuscripts at publishing houses). No one can guarantee that a manuscript will be accepted, but we can guarantee that we will polish your author’s package and give your work the best chance to succeed!

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Step 3: Your Customized Quote


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Word Count must be equal or greater than 1000 words.

What customers are saying

I hired Editor City to help my son with his college essays. I told him that I would invest in this only if he looks at every correction and learns from it. His writing improved dramatically during the semester.

- Lynnae F.

I had a very difficult deadline with my dissertation. After contacting Editor City, they were able to accommodate my tight deadline and still return my dissertation with the best edits I could have asked for. I am so grateful to my editor in Editor City for not only making my dissertation error-free and beautifully formatted, I am also grateful for the inconsistencies he pointed out and questions he asked about its deeper meaning – it allowed me to go to my defense with a polished dissertation, as well as confidence and answers to many potential questions. You have this PhD’s eternal gratitude!

- Heather F., PhD

I believe that the decision to hire Editor City helped me get a book contract. I also learnt more from my editor about the submission process than I did in my MFA, and she made my manuscript infinitely better. Thank you!

- Ellen C., Author